Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial day festivities

I am posting a little late this week as I has a fun filled weekend in NYC. Evil twin #2 was most kind in hosting me this weekend. While I have so many things to tell, I thought I would just give a brief synopsis of the weekend's activities.

Last week I was feeling a little burnt out from work, and so was Evil twin #2. The solution: hang out with little to no agenda and hatch up schemes to take over the world.

I got into Penn Station a little late, but nothing was going to dampen my spirits as I was free free free. The greatest aspect of NYC is its gastronomic delights. So the first stop for the Evil twins was Chinatown. We did not eat chinese food, we had vietnamese but you know how it all looks the same. After delicious crispy squid and hollow vegetable, we stopped in for some ice cream at the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory. I love their ice cream, but hate the fact that the only place to eat it is outside in NYC's most foul smelling sections of town. The mingling taste of banana and rotting fish can be somewhat disturbing.

We walked to a bar called Manahatta to meet some of Evil Twin #2's BF's friends. When we walked in, it became obvious that most New Yorkers were out of town for the weekend as the bar was crawling with the "bridge and tunnel crowd." In the bathroom, I heard two girls talking about how one boy was sweatin' her and she said that was cool even though her best friend had a crush on him becuase that was life. I felt bad for the friend and almost called the girl a skank, but not wanting to start a fight with a jersey girl I don't knowI returned to the group. I sat next to a boy who was fairly good looking so I thought things were looking up for the night. Unfortunately, talking to this boy was about the most painful event as he replied with monosyllabic words: yes, no. and hmmm. We decided to leave early and rest up for Sunday's events.

A college buddy, K, and his girlfriend G were throwing a bbq in Brooklyn. Since the weather was fantastic and you can never say no to meat cooked on a fire, we made the trek out there. K was a little suprised to see me since Evil twin #2 replied to the Evite as two coming, but forgot to mention who the other guest was. Lucky for Kand G, I was pyromaniac in a former life and helped get the fire going. Apparently, living in a city with a girlfriend and a chihuahua has snuffed out any primal instinct out of K. The food was excellent and later on to the afternoon, we all began to slowly pass out in front of the TV watching MTV shows, like "I am a Jersey Shore Girl." Xtian from our brother blogsite, the hose, was there too and hopefully he may a more humorous account of the day.

After a little more wandering around the city, we had appetizers for dinner and decided to call it a night. Well, actualy we watched a little bit of TV too, but what we watched was too embarrassing to report.

I had to return home the next day. It is always amazing how quickly time goes by in NYC.

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