Tuesday, February 22, 2005

In the beginning...

So, when Evil-Twin #1 asked me if I wanted to post on this blog, I said, "No, I'm too busy with lawyerly things to be posting on a blog." But then I thought about it and what better use of my time than to post while at work billing my clients at some obscene hourly rate?

While I can't promise hours of fun for anyone other than myself, I hope that some of you will find some of what we post amusing, if not completely random.

I'm off to Japan for 2 weeks for a much needed vacation. So, hopefully I'll come back with many tales to delight one and all. Either that, or tales of how travelling with one person for two weeks can drive you insane. In either case, I'm sure that it'll make for more interesting stories than me sitting in front of my computer at "the firm".