Tuesday, January 03, 2006

living in fear

I have been coming into work later and later these days. Most of the people in my group get in by 8:00 am. I am lucky if I make it in my 9:30 am. Lately, I've been pushing it by sneaking in at around 9:45.

Most NY corporate law firms give their associates blackberries so that we can "have the convenience of checking e-mail while out of the office." It is little more than an electronic leash. I check my blackberry first thing in the morning (around 7:45 am). If I don't have any relevant messages (I get about 25 firm related -- internal spam -- emails each evening), then I take my time getting ready. If I do have messages, then I have to race through my morning routine, skip the Dunkin Donuts coffee, and head straight to work. I generally don't have blackberry service while on the subway, but sometimes I get reception between 125th Street and Columbus Circle. But at that point, I am only about 10 minutes away from the office, so getting messages during my commute doesn't really bother me. What strikes fear into my heart is walking into my office and seeing the red light on my phone. Every morning I live in fear of that light and messages from partners asking for documents that I should have reviewed and revised before leaving the previous night. Pretty much, I am a slacker or master procrastinator.
I also hate that my faxes are routed to my phone instead of straight into my inbox. This causes me much unnecessary stress. Why? Because lately, I have been getting spam via fax -- not so frequently that I am used to seeing the red light on my phone every morning, but just often enough to freak me out. Is this any way to start my day or my new year? I think not...


Anonymous said...

Evil twin #2, I feel your pain. I managed to successfully crank out two productive days of work via blackberry on Christmas Eve and Day. Greytone, nonetheless - so I hope you are worthy enough of one of the newer color devices.

Blackberry is in play before eating, feeding the dog, myself, and sometimes even before "morning duty" calls.

Are you at least getting those faxes where you win a trip to the Caribbean? I kick people in the knees if they get to the shared fax machine and dial the toll-free number before me.

Anonymous said...

Very funny! Though I do not have a blackberry, a red flashing light on my phone in the morning scares the daylight out of me too. So much so that I have asked my team mates to e-mail me requests or call me on my cell if it is an emergency. Voice mail is reserved for non-urgent stuff. Backwards, I know!

Evil said...

Whoa, that's lots of personal info about Mamacita

Anonymous said...

that stinks. i'm lucky if i check email once a day. life of a student, i guess.