Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Meat, meat, and more meat

America loves its bbq and nothing is better thab barbecuing on holidays. Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Arbor Day, all perfect days to take out the grill.

I knew I had a jam packed week. I went out Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. However, I also knew that none of those nights would involve fire and meat. So I sent the following e-mail to S, B, C, and M.

Welcome back S and B.
I got my post cards and I am excited to hear all about your adventures. I'm sure everyone else is too! If you are not too tired shall we have a bbq on monday or sunday? Whaddya think?

Of course, what I omitted to say was "even though the both of you just came back from two weeks traveling around Europe, going to a wedding on Saturday, and must be exhausted, could you please host a bbq for your ghetto friends who lack any of their own bbq equipment and skills?"

In an attempt to compensate for my lack of manners, I ordered marinaded short ribs from the Korean grocery store. This task was not as easy as expected as there was a lot of misscommunication involved in the process. The woman who answered the phone could not understand English, nor very poorly spoken Korean. Luckily, I did understand her, so we managed to reduce it to a yes and no question session.

There is something very primal about sitting around smoldering coals and cooking meat. There were the three of us with beers in hand, as we ate hot meat as it came off the grill. Of course, we attempted to eat a few veggies, but really we were all about the beef that day.

Eventually, C and his friend N came and joined in the carnage. The old lady in apartment #1 had to close her windows. Maybe it was the sounds of chatting, or maybe it was the aroma of beef. Oh well.

At some point the food pile dwindled, and caffiene became a necessity. We walked to local 7/11 and Dunkin' Donuts for iced delights. When we got back, I fell into a deep food induced coma on S and B's sofa, with the ABC family orginal movie "Karate Dog" in the background.

And while I might go vegetarian for the next week, there is nothing better than the whole meat experience: the arranging of plans, the cooking, the eating, and the sleeping.


Zandrea! said...

G and I had a mega meat eating weekend as well; his mom was over for steaks on Sunday and we went to our first floor neighbor's on Monday for a bbq. G had three different kinds of sausage! And, if that wasn't enough, last night we had hamburgers (again!) because they were in the fridge and we needed to eat them. Next week is fish and chips for book club, but on your return from the US we'll have a bona fide JP bbq for you.

Anonymous said...

eavnffsxi can not believe you had a bbq and cooked some korean meat. i had to cancel my "asians only at the grill" bbq since you were not in town. i am very upset. your punishment is: go to asia for several months where no one eats meat, only raw fishheads. you will soon get a travel guide in the mail to encourage this expedition.