Thursday, July 14, 2005

Big girl bed

I now have a big girl bed i.e. a full sized mattress. For years, I slept on a twin bed. I thought nothing of it. I don't even take up the whole twin mattress and actually happily I sleep only on the right side of it. (I am not a sprawler and like to not move at night).

However, time had come to trade up. I was sick of friends laughing at me about it. I was sick of the children's sheets and not being able to find pretty bedding. But most of all, I was sick of my friend D's comments that my bed is a "man repellant." All summer he has been threatening to drive to Jordan's furniture and just buying a bed as a birthday/Christmas gift. And lately, I was getting worried that it was more that just idle threats that I might roll into my apartment and see tatooed burly men hauling my little twin away.

What I did not factor in was the expense of being a "big girl." I need new sheets and comforter. More pillows are needed to fill the top of the bed. I went on Overstock today and considered if I needed sateen sheets, which as fas as I can acertain are no different than ordinary cotton sheets. The hype worked and I bought them.

Maybe I just need to bring sheets from home. My friend W once gave me Gargoyle sheets as a joke but they may be the perfect addition to the bed. They are a sexy black with cartoon figures flying around them. Hmmm.... maybe the "man repellant" factor has nothing to do with the size of the bed.

You all are invited to a slumber party in my new bed. Last night I discovered that I take up only a third of the bed so there should be plenty of room for you all!!!


evil twin #2 said...

it's about damn time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with ET #2. At least now if you desire to bring a man home with you, the roommates don't have to worry about you bringing him home to their bed!

rashmi said...

Congratulations! I think you're set for some "big girl" action on the bed as well, no? :P

Anonymous said...

congrats! although I don't like to sleep in beds smaller than a queensize.