Wednesday, July 20, 2005

guilty pleasures

While I am more than willing to admit my love of cheesy teenie bopper movies and the artistic talents of BSB, I am a little embarassed to recount my reaction to something that just happened at work.

The firm librarian just dropped off my set of the NYC Zoning Resolutions. They are brand new, oversized, still smell of printer's ink, and oh so beautiful. At my old job, they gave me an old set that was falling apart and totally out of date. I was forced to use the online version which is a lot harder to navigate when trying to do statutory research.

I am such a land use loser... But, I just had to share with everyone (all 8 of you): I LOVE MY NEW ZONING REGS!!

1 comment:

Evil Twin #1 said...

I just got antibodies from Australia today and I did a little dance. Possible equivalent situation?