Monday, July 11, 2005

Opinion poll: GenX ladies

Normally, Monday's post is about some weekend event, but I had an argument this weekend that is kind of bugging me. The central issue is the interaction of GenX ladies and their relationship with moola, dead presidents, green...etc.. Well, actually that is not accurate. The argument surrounds ladies and their relationship with their significant other's cash.

So here is how the debate started. My friend G's friend K's live-in girl friend bought a ridiculously expensive coffee table. While I am sure K's lady contributes in many ways to the household, she currently is unemployed and bought the coffee table with his money.

G: Well, I think K should just let it go. It is no big deal. He can afford it.

ET#1: No, but I think it is silly. The least she could have done was consulted him before making the purchase. Or perhaps buy a more resonably priced one. What could be so special about this table?

G: That is not how the way works. You should always pay for what your girlfriend wants, it is your job as "the guy." Anyways girls are weird about money. Kr [his ex] used to spend....

ET#1: WHAT! Don't make ridiculous generalizations. Women are more than capable of handling things. And what girl acts like that?

G: They all do, eventually.


G: Well, I don't see you ever paying for dinner.

ET#1: Hey, I would if I ever had the opportunity to. (Fortunately, the check is always given to him. It is not that I am weird about money, but seriously on my stipend I cannot afford to out that often and the idea of making someone ramen for dinner is not so appealing either. Also, I have attempted to pay for movies, beer and taxis. I digress, back to the story.) Okay, fine. Next time dinner is on me.

G: No, no that is not what I meant. I don't know what I saying, but......

Here is my question to all of you loyal readers: In the year 2005, do you think a man should still be considered the main hunter/provider?

G lost his wallet and I paid for lunch, happily.


Zandrea! said...

I'd forgotten about this gem of an argument...I think everyone (man or woman) should purchase only what they can afford...and at the very least consult the signifcant other! I understand that one or the other person in a relationship might bare a greater financial burden (I've known many women who are the primary breadwinners) but reckless spending of the other's money breeds resentment.

evil twin #2 said...

I think that couples should take turns buying each other dinner, movie tix, etc... But when it comes to major purchases, especially with the other person's moolah, you should DEFINITELY consult them before spending. Once you have a ring on your finger, then it's different. . . But even then, you should inform the other BEFORE spending.

Zandrea! said...

another thought...this friend is a bit older, correct? So maybe this is just a "generational difference"...although I can't see my mom (attending a Gloria Steinem led rally while 8 months pregnant with me) believing that...

Anonymous said...

agree with zandrea! and evil twin #2.

Anonymous said...

i am a friend of B. we went to a conference together a month ago on "women in the workplace." the instructor asked the group if we were SICK AND TIRED of restaurant wait staff always putting the check in front of the man - be it personal or professional... my thoughts - "NO WAY!" keep it going to them:) c'mon ladies... smarten up!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the key to happiness is to sponge off of the man as much as un-noticeably as possible.

Anonymous said...

While I'm all for the sponging off unnoticeably (to a certain extent), it is unacceptable to make such a ridiculous purchase when you can't even contribute, even if he can afford it, and especially without consulting first. I agree with zandrea and ET#2.