An unfinished post from December, but it seems appropriate with the impending AFC championship game coming up.
I went to the bar across the street from my house 5 times last week. 5 times. That is excessive for even me. But somehow that is the way it worked. The bonus of my excessive patronage is getting to go to the Ravens game last night.
Being a frequent flyer at this establishment, means multiple phone calls and texts when there is something shaking in the neighborhood. Saturday night was one of the bartenders going away party. So even though I had been there Thursday night, I made it back for a few beers, and perhaps a shot or two or three which I just seem to be remembering now two day later. But in my slightly inebriated stage, I do remember listening to the owner of the bar (BO) tell how he just got dumped. Hmmmm so who was going to the Ravens' game? Even though it was S's (another frequent flyer's) turn to go with the owner, they all graciously gave me the ticket. Score!
The Pittsburgh Steelers versus the Baltimore Ravens was a much anticipated game. A fight for the division title, and a Sunday night featured game, I was one of 71,000 people pouring into M&T stadium. Pittsburgh and Baltimore have a deep seeded rivalry. Both are blue collar towns with dying industries. Both towns have weird accents. And most importantly, the towns are 3 hours apart; far enough for a rivalry close enough to visit for away games.
The night was cold and clear. I had to borrow a puffy jacket from my neighbor, who was perhaps more excited than I was. BO is a a big guy. He is 6'4 and my guess is he weighs about 250; maybe more. And I was lucky to have him, as he carved a way through the crowds.
BO has season tickets, which means he knows all the people who sit around him. Hmmmm. How do I say this delicately? I can't. Baltimore has a lot of white trash football fans. I mean very trashy. The lady sitting behind us passed out half way into the first quarter. Then her boyfriend had to take her to the men's room to throw up.
I thought I talked like a sailor, but I had nothing on these football fans. I heard enough homosexual derogates, cusses, and inexplicable sexual acts involving animals to last a life time. It also was a sport for all those sitting nearby me to lift me up. I think they found that entertaining. Big bear hugs to the strange Asian girl.
Throughout the game there were many fights. The most impressive being two guys going at it and no spilling a drop of beer. Truly amazing.
As for the game play on the field there was not much to write about. Just like the most recent playoff game, the Ravens were ahead and lost their lead in the second half. They played with no urgency. Every time Big Ben took the field, everyone shouted "No means no!" But sadly in the end, the Ravens got manhandled like a girl in a bathroom with Big Ben's bodyguards watching on.
Evil twin #1 and Evil twin #2 met in their freshman year dormitory. Although they were seemingly polar opposites, they discovered they were kindred spirits, sharing a passion for short-lived television shows and board games. Now older, perhaps a little less impulsive and most importantly geographically split up, they have attempted to put aside their evil ways. But when they do get together....
Monday, December 06, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Further confirmation ET#1 is a middle aged man
I have been balding since college. My ponytail has shrunk. Every night I lament the clump of hair caught by my special hair catcher on my shower drain that I bought so I can count the number of hairs I lose every day. I constantly obsess about my white scalp peeking through. And when I sweep my house, I contemplate super gluing the hairs I find back on my head. My stop gap solution (like any middle aged man) was to grow my hair long and hope that if I wrap my single strand of hair around my head enough times no one would notice.
My mother who was sick of hearing me complain about it, once took me to a Korean herbalist. He told me I had too much yang/heat in my body, and gave me a vile concoction to drink for 2 months. But alas, I am still balding.
My obsession comes with a lot of internet research. A few years ago Matt Lauer turned me onto this device. According to the segment on whatever news show he hosts, this thing was supposed to have okay results. Okay? Well, okay is better than weeping at my shower drain, or having horrible dandruff from the generic female rogaine I tried for 3 months. But here was the catch: $600 price tag. Was my vanity worth $600? Do I buy myself a laser comb before I buy myself a television? What was a girl with OCD to do?
Today as I was purchasing the last of the Christmas gifts for my nieces and nephew, I thought I deserved a bauble of my own. Over the years I had done a lot of internet research and realized that the Hairmax laser comb is just a few red LED lights.
In attempt to be frugal, I searched for other sources of red LED lights. I found a red LED lamp
for 20 dollars. Wooohooo! How exciting. Finally, I was going to have luscious locks of hair spilling down my shoulders.
The catch on this endeavour: apparently the lamp I purchased is used to grow more buds on a marijuana plant.
I had images of myself being watched by the FBI a la "the Wire." Maybe they would think a new "player" was in town. Or worse how would I explain to the DEA agents that would breakdown my door, that the supplies I purchased via the internet was to grow hair not pot? I'll tell you all in 1-2 weeks when my lamp is delivered.
My mother who was sick of hearing me complain about it, once took me to a Korean herbalist. He told me I had too much yang/heat in my body, and gave me a vile concoction to drink for 2 months. But alas, I am still balding.

Today as I was purchasing the last of the Christmas gifts for my nieces and nephew, I thought I deserved a bauble of my own. Over the years I had done a lot of internet research and realized that the Hairmax laser comb is just a few red LED lights.
In attempt to be frugal, I searched for other sources of red LED lights. I found a red LED lamp

The catch on this endeavour: apparently the lamp I purchased is used to grow more buds on a marijuana plant.
I had images of myself being watched by the FBI a la "the Wire." Maybe they would think a new "player" was in town. Or worse how would I explain to the DEA agents that would breakdown my door, that the supplies I purchased via the internet was to grow hair not pot? I'll tell you all in 1-2 weeks when my lamp is delivered.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Why I love working with foreigners
In the world of science, I am an anomaly. Okay maybe that is not entirely true. I am Asian so physically I blend in really well. But here is how I manage to stick out: I was born in the United States, educated in the United States, and got my Ph.D. in the United States. Oh and English is my first and only language, a rarity in my workplace.
Subjects Americans find taboo are not in other countries, and they are horrified what we manage to say. Sometimes you get fascinating things told to you like today.
Indian Postdoc: So now that if they let the gay people in the military, will they have to create 4 separate bathrooms?
Evil Twin #1: What?
IP: Don't you have separate bathrooms in this country because of sexual modesty?
ET#1: Ummm no. I think it is because men are gross.
IP: Men are gross? no no no no no no. My wife tells me she cannot even go to the bathroom on this floor because it is sooo disgusting. And it is all women, right?
ET#1: Oh she is right, this bathroom is disgusting. But if men were allowed in it would be even worse.
IP: What do you mean? All my friends who are men have very clean bathrooms. Come to my house and you will see how clean our bathroom is. Men's public bathrooms are dirty because men urinate standing. But at home we sit down.
ET#1: huh? What? Most men I know urinate standing up. I know my dad does.
IP: Why would you do that? At home the seat is clean, and you do not have to touch your penis unnecessarily. When you stand up it is so unsanitary. Urine can splash everywhere. When we have male friends spending time at our house, I explain the sitting down, and everyone does it.
The conversation continued for a little bit, but I was blown away at the astute logic. Now I just wonder how many men would follow it....
Subjects Americans find taboo are not in other countries, and they are horrified what we manage to say. Sometimes you get fascinating things told to you like today.
Indian Postdoc: So now that if they let the gay people in the military, will they have to create 4 separate bathrooms?
Evil Twin #1: What?
IP: Don't you have separate bathrooms in this country because of sexual modesty?
ET#1: Ummm no. I think it is because men are gross.
IP: Men are gross? no no no no no no. My wife tells me she cannot even go to the bathroom on this floor because it is sooo disgusting. And it is all women, right?
ET#1: Oh she is right, this bathroom is disgusting. But if men were allowed in it would be even worse.
IP: What do you mean? All my friends who are men have very clean bathrooms. Come to my house and you will see how clean our bathroom is. Men's public bathrooms are dirty because men urinate standing. But at home we sit down.
ET#1: huh? What? Most men I know urinate standing up. I know my dad does.
IP: Why would you do that? At home the seat is clean, and you do not have to touch your penis unnecessarily. When you stand up it is so unsanitary. Urine can splash everywhere. When we have male friends spending time at our house, I explain the sitting down, and everyone does it.
The conversation continued for a little bit, but I was blown away at the astute logic. Now I just wonder how many men would follow it....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Another one bites the dust
You get to a certain age, when dating escapades are no longer funny. I think I am at that age. I stopped telling friends and family when I am seeing a new boy because I don't want to tell or explain to them about the inevitable fall out.
So it was unusual when I told every one about the new boy. I had a nice feeling about him. Sure he owns several guns, he hunts, he has cats that I am high allergic too, it took him 6 years to get a communications degree at a liberal arts college I never heard of, he only owns the 5th best bar (ie 2nd tier) in Baltimore according to the Sun, and he smokes a shit ton of weed to clean his house. But besides all of his flaws, I genuinely liked him. He was sweet and brought me dinner because he knew I was always hungry. He called/texted me every night I did not see him, just to say good night. He remembered my love of ye olde people and drove me out to Harpers Ferry to see them. And when he gave me a hug, I did not object nor did I attempt to squirm away. Yup the boy made me all giggles and that is probably a sure tell tale sign that it would crash and burn.
On Saturday, he saw me run my section of the Baltimore Marathon relay. Then we went for a bike ride around Baltimore. We ate epanadas and split 6 of them evenly, 4 for me 2 for him. We saw some swing dancers on the Pier so we joined them for a few songs. We rode up to a Russian festival, and watched all the Russians with fascination. We rode to a helicopter pad (clearly his thing not mine) and watched a bunch of boughie people fly into Baltimore and get into limos. It was pretty fantastic. We went to go get beers, and a little pregaming before the Giants vs. Phillies game.
Here is where the bad news come in:
"Ummm Evil Twin #1, I am going to Key West on Wednesday."
"Oh really. Awesome. You are going to have the best time as long as you don't get stuck in a hurricane."
"I going with this girl I dated right before you. [long dating story but that can be summarized by he never broke up with this girl even though he thinks he did] Anyway we had planned this trip before I even met you. I just wanted to be honest with you because I did not think things would be going so well between the two of us. I mean you are great. [more long dragged on crap about why he might have some problems]"
"Excuse me [I say to the bartender], I am going to need a few shots of whiskey here. Neat and as fast as you can."
After this point much of the night was a blur. Apparently, according to my fave bartender I got belligerent, told every one in the bar that the new boy was going to Key West with another girl, and then proceeded to yell at the TV because I had no idea who Cody Ross was. I, also, allegedly told the boy that I could go home with anyone at the bar and how would he feel about that. Clearly, once again not my finest hour. But if you were going to out you should go out swinging.
On Sunday, I woke up with a massive hangover and ended up going to work, mass, and pumpkin carving with a bunch of inner city youths as a sort of punishment.
He texted me to see if I was alright:
NB: How are you feeling today? You were quite the handful last night.
Me: I had a productive day. Thank you for asking.
I talked to the other wiser Evil Twin, and she convinced me to talk to him while I was sober.
That was a disastrous 1 hour conversation. Let me disseminate the highlights:
He says that I am unreasonable to think he would even consider canceling this trip because plans were made before I met him. What is the big deal about him going, because he was not planning on sleeping with this girl. Why did I lie (on Saturday) about lining up a bunch of dates with better looking guys when he is gone? He should get bonus points for being honest with me because he could have easily lied about the trip. He will call me when he gets back from Florida, because hopefully by then I will be more rational.
I tell him, he is an ass. How does he not realize that this woman think that this is a romantic getaway? Being honest is the minimum you can do for someone not something for a bonus prize. I tell him thanks for exposing me to my biggest insecurity about being cheated on, I much appreciate that. Oh and have a great trip and I am saying this not because I mean it but because there is nothing left to say.
Back to the drawing board for this Evil Twin. Back to the dating and not telling anyone about it, because really it just is not funny anymore.
So it was unusual when I told every one about the new boy. I had a nice feeling about him. Sure he owns several guns, he hunts, he has cats that I am high allergic too, it took him 6 years to get a communications degree at a liberal arts college I never heard of, he only owns the 5th best bar (ie 2nd tier) in Baltimore according to the Sun, and he smokes a shit ton of weed to clean his house. But besides all of his flaws, I genuinely liked him. He was sweet and brought me dinner because he knew I was always hungry. He called/texted me every night I did not see him, just to say good night. He remembered my love of ye olde people and drove me out to Harpers Ferry to see them. And when he gave me a hug, I did not object nor did I attempt to squirm away. Yup the boy made me all giggles and that is probably a sure tell tale sign that it would crash and burn.
On Saturday, he saw me run my section of the Baltimore Marathon relay. Then we went for a bike ride around Baltimore. We ate epanadas and split 6 of them evenly, 4 for me 2 for him. We saw some swing dancers on the Pier so we joined them for a few songs. We rode up to a Russian festival, and watched all the Russians with fascination. We rode to a helicopter pad (clearly his thing not mine) and watched a bunch of boughie people fly into Baltimore and get into limos. It was pretty fantastic. We went to go get beers, and a little pregaming before the Giants vs. Phillies game.
Here is where the bad news come in:
"Ummm Evil Twin #1, I am going to Key West on Wednesday."
"Oh really. Awesome. You are going to have the best time as long as you don't get stuck in a hurricane."
"I going with this girl I dated right before you. [long dating story but that can be summarized by he never broke up with this girl even though he thinks he did] Anyway we had planned this trip before I even met you. I just wanted to be honest with you because I did not think things would be going so well between the two of us. I mean you are great. [more long dragged on crap about why he might have some problems]"
"Excuse me [I say to the bartender], I am going to need a few shots of whiskey here. Neat and as fast as you can."
After this point much of the night was a blur. Apparently, according to my fave bartender I got belligerent, told every one in the bar that the new boy was going to Key West with another girl, and then proceeded to yell at the TV because I had no idea who Cody Ross was. I, also, allegedly told the boy that I could go home with anyone at the bar and how would he feel about that. Clearly, once again not my finest hour. But if you were going to out you should go out swinging.
On Sunday, I woke up with a massive hangover and ended up going to work, mass, and pumpkin carving with a bunch of inner city youths as a sort of punishment.
He texted me to see if I was alright:
NB: How are you feeling today? You were quite the handful last night.
Me: I had a productive day. Thank you for asking.
I talked to the other wiser Evil Twin, and she convinced me to talk to him while I was sober.
That was a disastrous 1 hour conversation. Let me disseminate the highlights:
He says that I am unreasonable to think he would even consider canceling this trip because plans were made before I met him. What is the big deal about him going, because he was not planning on sleeping with this girl. Why did I lie (on Saturday) about lining up a bunch of dates with better looking guys when he is gone? He should get bonus points for being honest with me because he could have easily lied about the trip. He will call me when he gets back from Florida, because hopefully by then I will be more rational.
I tell him, he is an ass. How does he not realize that this woman think that this is a romantic getaway? Being honest is the minimum you can do for someone not something for a bonus prize. I tell him thanks for exposing me to my biggest insecurity about being cheated on, I much appreciate that. Oh and have a great trip and I am saying this not because I mean it but because there is nothing left to say.
Back to the drawing board for this Evil Twin. Back to the dating and not telling anyone about it, because really it just is not funny anymore.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Naming contest
I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog anymore. I hope so. I need your help. In night of debauchery, I met a boy and he needs a name. Let's skip all the gruesome deatils of a drunken hook-up which led to an awkward morning, which led to some odd texting, which led to a nice walk, which led to a fancy 5 course meal (he made), which led to planning a future date, all in a span of less than 72 hours.
Here is the most important point: what shall I name him? In the past, every boy I have liked has had a CB handle. For example, the astrophysicist (or out of this world), Ozzy fan, the leprechuan, the leader of the pack, the roton, erkel .... How will I disparage this boy in a week, when I start to dislike him?
Rules for naming boys usually get at their deepest insecurieties. Being an Evil Twin, normally, it is quite easy to suss this out. However, I am a little stumped this week. I don't really know much about him but here is what I do know:
Profession - DJ/photographer/bartender
Ethnicity - half-chinese half irish
Overall apearance - nothing remarkable neither cute, nor fat, nor skinny nor tall, nor bald, etc..
Personality - I'm guessing he currently does or at least did smoke a lot of pot. He also, seems to have a lot of artist friends.
Pets - three cats
Ominous fact - he lives across the street from me
We prefer names that are funny, when possible, and mean as a fall back. Winner to get a special Baltimorean prize.
Here is the most important point: what shall I name him? In the past, every boy I have liked has had a CB handle. For example, the astrophysicist (or out of this world), Ozzy fan, the leprechuan, the leader of the pack, the roton, erkel .... How will I disparage this boy in a week, when I start to dislike him?
Rules for naming boys usually get at their deepest insecurieties. Being an Evil Twin, normally, it is quite easy to suss this out. However, I am a little stumped this week. I don't really know much about him but here is what I do know:
Profession - DJ/photographer/bartender
Ethnicity - half-chinese half irish
Overall apearance - nothing remarkable neither cute, nor fat, nor skinny nor tall, nor bald, etc..
Personality - I'm guessing he currently does or at least did smoke a lot of pot. He also, seems to have a lot of artist friends.
Pets - three cats
Ominous fact - he lives across the street from me
We prefer names that are funny, when possible, and mean as a fall back. Winner to get a special Baltimorean prize.
Saturday, August 07, 2010

Evil Twin #1 enters Ace Hardware.
Sales Clerk: Can I help you find something today, Ma'am?
ET#1: Yes, I am looking for small pruning shears.
Sales Clerk: Right this way. [He points to a number of shears] What exactly are you trimming? Is it woody or is it green stems?
ET#1: Green. It's a tomato plant.
Sales Clerk: Then just use scissors.
ET#1: I don't own those either.
Sales Clerk: Hmmm. Our scissor collection is pretty laughable but I think a pair of meat shears is pretty all purpose. How about these? How big are the stems?
[ET#1 makes and "o" with her thumb and index finger.]
Sales Clerk: Are you sure you have a tomato plant? That sounds more like cannibis to me?
ET#1: Really? I have yet to have a single tomato this season. My neighbor told me that was because it was too hot this summer. Do the two plant look a lot alike? Do you think Seed Savers would have sent me the wrong seeds?
Sales Clerk: Yeah. They look a lot a like, but I'm sure you have the right plant. Worst comes to worst you can always start a side business. haha.
ET#1 gives a disapproving look. She buys one pair of meat shears and hurries home to wiki cannibis.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Things to avoid late at night
1) Internet shopping. Otherwise you can be the proud owner of 6 X 1 lb bags of gourmet heirloom beans (even though you don't cook), a meditation bracelet, an assorment of japanese beauty products (the most odd being something called UV cut sleeves. sleeves to wear to prevent your arms from tanning when you drive), tickets to see Lillith Fair on a weeknight, a dress that make you look like an Air France stewardess, and 8 paperbacks from your Amazon suggested reading list.
2) Texting, calling, emailing, or smoke signals of any kind. You can be perfectly sober, but the late hour will alarm every one who will assume you are wasted.
3) Talking to your plants. Perhaps you will get caught by one your neighbors who is trying to calm a fussy baby, and forever get weird looks from him.
4) Watching television on Youtube. TV shows on Youtube are divided into 10 minute segments so constantly need to click on the next scene. I am sure there is a way around this, but perhaps with all your advanced degrees, common technologies befuddle you.
5) Cooking. It is possible that everytime you cook, you set off your smoke detector, which in turn wakes up your neighbor that has a newborn.
6) Going for a walk. Say for example, you live in Baltimore, and you discover that there are a lot of shady dealings going on late at night. And you see a guy flashing his girlfriend's butt to the whole street. Then he signals to you, and you have no idea how to respond but to wave hello.
2) Texting, calling, emailing, or smoke signals of any kind. You can be perfectly sober, but the late hour will alarm every one who will assume you are wasted.
3) Talking to your plants. Perhaps you will get caught by one your neighbors who is trying to calm a fussy baby, and forever get weird looks from him.
4) Watching television on Youtube. TV shows on Youtube are divided into 10 minute segments so constantly need to click on the next scene. I am sure there is a way around this, but perhaps with all your advanced degrees, common technologies befuddle you.
5) Cooking. It is possible that everytime you cook, you set off your smoke detector, which in turn wakes up your neighbor that has a newborn.
6) Going for a walk. Say for example, you live in Baltimore, and you discover that there are a lot of shady dealings going on late at night. And you see a guy flashing his girlfriend's butt to the whole street. Then he signals to you, and you have no idea how to respond but to wave hello.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
TV without a television review
How is it possible to fritter one's life away on TV programs without owning a television set? It is kind of easy. My poor computer is completely overloaded every day by hours of streaming video. I worship on the altar of Hulu for providing me my shows. And yay for Hulu because you can watch it without actively fiddling with the computer. CBS, CWTV and TNT really suck in comparison, although strangely is pretty good.
Another quirk about my television addiction is that I love horrible horrible horrible programming. This love translates into watching a lot more "alternative programming" provided in the summer and winter and less content during the normal season. Case in point: I am currently watching a lot of shows on the USA network, which are not good enough to compete either on a major network, nor during the normal season.
So here is a list of shows to be watching off season in order of my "enjoyability" factor:
Justified (FX/ - The 13 show season has already ended, but it was great. Think of Walker, Texas Ranger but with a much cuter lead actor. Everyone speaks in slow soft drawls, both calming and scary all at once. A must see!
Leverage (TNT/ - Heist movies are the best. Heist television shows comes to a close second. Every week this team of misfit Robin Hoods pull off the impossible. Think the A-team minus the guns.
Drop Dead Diva (Lifetime/ - Okay. I can't believe I am watching this show, and even worse, liking it. Aspiring model dies and is reincarnated into an overworked lawyer with Margaret Cho as her assistant. Think Heaven Can Wait and the Mary Tyler Moore Show with a chubby lead actress.
Burn Notice(USA/ - I sort of find all USA shows sort of interchangeable. Wisecracking, a little bit of action and Gabrielle Anwar rocking a bikini like no forty something should. Think Mission Impossible minus the government and a more violent version of Peter Graves.
So You Think You Can Dance (Fox/ - This would be ranked much higher if Alex Wong did not get eliminated so early on and if Mary was still judging. Think American Idol but less bitchy and more talented.
White Collar (USA/ - Matt Bomer. Am not sure what the show is about, except to look lovingly into the eyes of Matt Bomer and imagine our beautiful mix raced babies. Think Matt Bomer in incredibly well tailored suits.
Honorable mention goes to Minute to win it (NBC/ as long as you can scroll over all the human interest parts and just watch the challenges. Honorable mention also goes to Memphis Beat (TNT/ with Jason Lee being a little overly quirky, am not sure if it will get stale quickly.
Disappointments have been a plenty this off season. Eureka (Syfy/ is no longer funny because there seems to be a loss of the science puns, and Psych (USA/, which has dialed down the wisecracking. Top Chef (Bravo/illegal torrents) has been lackluster as well.
So beat the heat, and be a pasty nerd clinging to your macbook pro like me!
Another quirk about my television addiction is that I love horrible horrible horrible programming. This love translates into watching a lot more "alternative programming" provided in the summer and winter and less content during the normal season. Case in point: I am currently watching a lot of shows on the USA network, which are not good enough to compete either on a major network, nor during the normal season.
So here is a list of shows to be watching off season in order of my "enjoyability" factor:
Justified (FX/ - The 13 show season has already ended, but it was great. Think of Walker, Texas Ranger but with a much cuter lead actor. Everyone speaks in slow soft drawls, both calming and scary all at once. A must see!
Leverage (TNT/ - Heist movies are the best. Heist television shows comes to a close second. Every week this team of misfit Robin Hoods pull off the impossible. Think the A-team minus the guns.
Drop Dead Diva (Lifetime/ - Okay. I can't believe I am watching this show, and even worse, liking it. Aspiring model dies and is reincarnated into an overworked lawyer with Margaret Cho as her assistant. Think Heaven Can Wait and the Mary Tyler Moore Show with a chubby lead actress.
Burn Notice(USA/ - I sort of find all USA shows sort of interchangeable. Wisecracking, a little bit of action and Gabrielle Anwar rocking a bikini like no forty something should. Think Mission Impossible minus the government and a more violent version of Peter Graves.
So You Think You Can Dance (Fox/ - This would be ranked much higher if Alex Wong did not get eliminated so early on and if Mary was still judging. Think American Idol but less bitchy and more talented.
White Collar (USA/ - Matt Bomer. Am not sure what the show is about, except to look lovingly into the eyes of Matt Bomer and imagine our beautiful mix raced babies. Think Matt Bomer in incredibly well tailored suits.
Honorable mention goes to Minute to win it (NBC/ as long as you can scroll over all the human interest parts and just watch the challenges. Honorable mention also goes to Memphis Beat (TNT/ with Jason Lee being a little overly quirky, am not sure if it will get stale quickly.
Disappointments have been a plenty this off season. Eureka (Syfy/ is no longer funny because there seems to be a loss of the science puns, and Psych (USA/, which has dialed down the wisecracking. Top Chef (Bravo/illegal torrents) has been lackluster as well.
So beat the heat, and be a pasty nerd clinging to your macbook pro like me!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Just the facts
Last weekend, Evil Twin #2 and A came to visit me in Baltimore. Here is a summary of our weekend.
Food/drink consumed:
- Pit beef and pit ham sandwiches and sides.
- Beer.
- French pastries.
- Crab cakes, raw oysters, chicken wings, and soda
- cookies.
- hush puppies, beer and el Jimador.
- MD steamed jumbo crabs and steamed corn.
- melon popsicles, peaches, blueberries, and mayo tomato sandwich.
- deep fried oyster mushrooms with cheese hot sauce and mesclun, apricots, meat on a stick, thai tea.
- green papaya salad, fresh rolls, and valicious pork.
- beer.
Sites visited:
- Illusions
- The Cop Shop
- Enoch Pratt Public Library
- Baltimore Cathedral
- Lexington Market
- Edgar Allen Poe's grave
- Annapolis
- 5 general stores
- Baltimore Farmer's Market
- Wegman's
Number of times ET#2 was asked to go to the stage as part of a magic act: 1
Number of Bear traps on that magic stage: 5
Number of borderline/closeted men we met: 2
Number of crab themed children's shirts purchased by A and ET#2: 5
Most awkward moment: Three of us eating french pastries while browsing through the guns and other police items sold at the cop shop
Most phallic thing purchased: pink pepper spray
Most missed item: CD with John Hodgeman saying "CRABS!'
Least delicious item tasted: el Jimador
Thanks, ladies for a fabulous weekend.
I drove out to see B, in Frederick, on Monday.
Food consumed: 1 large hawaian pizza loaded with local pork products. beer.
times we laughed about something nonsensical: 4
Times I got lost in the dark: 2
Food/drink consumed:
- Pit beef and pit ham sandwiches and sides.
- Beer.
- French pastries.
- Crab cakes, raw oysters, chicken wings, and soda
- cookies.
- hush puppies, beer and el Jimador.
- MD steamed jumbo crabs and steamed corn.
- melon popsicles, peaches, blueberries, and mayo tomato sandwich.
- deep fried oyster mushrooms with cheese hot sauce and mesclun, apricots, meat on a stick, thai tea.
- green papaya salad, fresh rolls, and valicious pork.
- beer.
Sites visited:
- Illusions
- The Cop Shop
- Enoch Pratt Public Library
- Baltimore Cathedral
- Lexington Market
- Edgar Allen Poe's grave
- Annapolis
- 5 general stores
- Baltimore Farmer's Market
- Wegman's
Number of times ET#2 was asked to go to the stage as part of a magic act: 1
Number of Bear traps on that magic stage: 5
Number of borderline/closeted men we met: 2
Number of crab themed children's shirts purchased by A and ET#2: 5
Most awkward moment: Three of us eating french pastries while browsing through the guns and other police items sold at the cop shop
Most phallic thing purchased: pink pepper spray
Most missed item: CD with John Hodgeman saying "CRABS!'
Least delicious item tasted: el Jimador
Thanks, ladies for a fabulous weekend.
I drove out to see B, in Frederick, on Monday.
Food consumed: 1 large hawaian pizza loaded with local pork products. beer.
times we laughed about something nonsensical: 4
Times I got lost in the dark: 2
Thursday, July 08, 2010
My mother is a covert operative
Russian spies, you ain't got nothing on my momma.
Yesterday, I was on the phone with my mother. She had a nice July 4th. My parents went to go hang out with my sister's family, it was my niece's birthday. My niece is cute. My niece still wants to be a scientist like me. Wouldn't it be nice if she could visit my children? She and Dad were tired from their trip, so they missed the 4th of July celebration. Morgan Hill had a parade for the 4th. Wasn't it nice to live in a small town like Morgan Hill? She wished she could have seen the parade. She did laundry instead. My Dad was outside. Did I want to talk to him? Oh he is busy. They are going golfing tomorrow morning. She just did laundry but has to do more. Golfing everyday produces a lot of dirty clothes. Maybe they will visit the Lao's for dinner tomorrow.
Twenty minutes into our conversation, I was lulled into a constant stream of "uh huh's" and "oh really's." I had a nice 4th of July. Yes, I really did teach a bunch of 5-8 year olds to light matches. Then I asked her a pretty routine question, "How much do I owe you all for gas this month?" My parents had given me their gas card when I moved to Baltimore. My dad, long retired, gets an employee discount from Exxon, but recently all the Exxon station in Northern California shut down. They said someone need to be using this discount, so it was my job to take it. Every month, I send them a check, and every month it never gets cashed.
But routine was broken a little this day. "Evil Twin#1, you work too much. You've been using less gas, and you fill on Eastern Ave. too much. I know that is convenient for you because it is close to lab. You are young, you need to go out more."
"Huh?" I said. But she remembers Eastern Ave. when she came to Baltimore. Did I remember the time we first saw the lab together. Wasn't it funny when Dad did not recognize the drug deal? Maybe they will come and visit again. Dad cannot eat crabs because they are too salty. She likes Dungeness crabs more than Blue crabs. Korean people though like to pickle blue crabs.
Sure she is in her seventies, but she still has some mad skills with the tracking and the distracting. Maybe Putin can hire her. I heard he has some openings in the KGB.
Yesterday, I was on the phone with my mother. She had a nice July 4th. My parents went to go hang out with my sister's family, it was my niece's birthday. My niece is cute. My niece still wants to be a scientist like me. Wouldn't it be nice if she could visit my children? She and Dad were tired from their trip, so they missed the 4th of July celebration. Morgan Hill had a parade for the 4th. Wasn't it nice to live in a small town like Morgan Hill? She wished she could have seen the parade. She did laundry instead. My Dad was outside. Did I want to talk to him? Oh he is busy. They are going golfing tomorrow morning. She just did laundry but has to do more. Golfing everyday produces a lot of dirty clothes. Maybe they will visit the Lao's for dinner tomorrow.
Twenty minutes into our conversation, I was lulled into a constant stream of "uh huh's" and "oh really's." I had a nice 4th of July. Yes, I really did teach a bunch of 5-8 year olds to light matches. Then I asked her a pretty routine question, "How much do I owe you all for gas this month?" My parents had given me their gas card when I moved to Baltimore. My dad, long retired, gets an employee discount from Exxon, but recently all the Exxon station in Northern California shut down. They said someone need to be using this discount, so it was my job to take it. Every month, I send them a check, and every month it never gets cashed.
But routine was broken a little this day. "Evil Twin#1, you work too much. You've been using less gas, and you fill on Eastern Ave. too much. I know that is convenient for you because it is close to lab. You are young, you need to go out more."
"Huh?" I said. But she remembers Eastern Ave. when she came to Baltimore. Did I remember the time we first saw the lab together. Wasn't it funny when Dad did not recognize the drug deal? Maybe they will come and visit again. Dad cannot eat crabs because they are too salty. She likes Dungeness crabs more than Blue crabs. Korean people though like to pickle blue crabs.
Sure she is in her seventies, but she still has some mad skills with the tracking and the distracting. Maybe Putin can hire her. I heard he has some openings in the KGB.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Elena Kagan, Janet Reno, and me
In her bright royal blue suit, coiffed short hair, and bright coral lipstick, Elena Kagan is testifying in front of a Senate committee. Her even tone is only imagined, as I read the live blogging notes on
I have little patience for all of this information, I will read summary later tonight. And like all things on this blog, this post really is not about her, it is about me.
A few weeks ago, after the nomination Elena Kagan's sexuality was brought into question. She is a woman in her 50s, never been married. The pundits said it was important to know, because it is directly related to her opinions about the current "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Really? Whatever, this post is not about the ridiculous nature of many political pundits.
All of this talk about Kagan's sexual orientation, made me flashback to an interview with Janet Reno. Janet Reno was also wearing a royal blue suit jacket at the time. But the part that struck me was her stating how she loved men but it was hard to find a date. There was a sadness in her eyes as if she had answered this very question a million times before.
What is Kagan supposed to do? There is no good recourse for her.
I think about these things, because I see it happening to me more and more often. I went to go visit a friend's parents this weekend. They are awesome, but their first question was "are you seeing anyone?" No one, except my father, has designated me to being a lesbian yet, but I cannot imagine those are not far behind.
In fact, it is the first question I often get from most people I meet. Even my closest friends, seem to always try to push me towards this coupledom. And I always feel prickly when responding. Part of me feels as if I have let people down. Part of me is weary from answering the question so many times. Part of me wants to have to justify my life decisions. Part of me wants to tell them about my brushes with heartache. Part of me wants to show them all the other things I have accomplished without a man. But all that would be too much to unleash on someone. So I answer, like always do, "maybe one day."
But I think about Janet Reno and Elena Kagan. Here are two women who accomplished so much more than I have or will, but still that is the first question that they got. I wonder at the age of 50 if it is just as tiresome as it is at 34.
I have little patience for all of this information, I will read summary later tonight. And like all things on this blog, this post really is not about her, it is about me.
A few weeks ago, after the nomination Elena Kagan's sexuality was brought into question. She is a woman in her 50s, never been married. The pundits said it was important to know, because it is directly related to her opinions about the current "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Really? Whatever, this post is not about the ridiculous nature of many political pundits.
All of this talk about Kagan's sexual orientation, made me flashback to an interview with Janet Reno. Janet Reno was also wearing a royal blue suit jacket at the time. But the part that struck me was her stating how she loved men but it was hard to find a date. There was a sadness in her eyes as if she had answered this very question a million times before.
What is Kagan supposed to do? There is no good recourse for her.
I think about these things, because I see it happening to me more and more often. I went to go visit a friend's parents this weekend. They are awesome, but their first question was "are you seeing anyone?" No one, except my father, has designated me to being a lesbian yet, but I cannot imagine those are not far behind.
In fact, it is the first question I often get from most people I meet. Even my closest friends, seem to always try to push me towards this coupledom. And I always feel prickly when responding. Part of me feels as if I have let people down. Part of me is weary from answering the question so many times. Part of me wants to have to justify my life decisions. Part of me wants to tell them about my brushes with heartache. Part of me wants to show them all the other things I have accomplished without a man. But all that would be too much to unleash on someone. So I answer, like always do, "maybe one day."
But I think about Janet Reno and Elena Kagan. Here are two women who accomplished so much more than I have or will, but still that is the first question that they got. I wonder at the age of 50 if it is just as tiresome as it is at 34.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Boot Camp

Why in God's name did I sign up for this? Because I have been very lazy, and also because I have 2 weddings to go to this summer and need to fit into a bridesmaid's dress. A fuchsia and champagne colored bridesmaid's dress. Sigh...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We only had 2.5 days in Houston, arriving around midnight on Friday, and leaving around noon on Monday. The reason for this trip? Because the BF and I are both thrifty -- I had an expiring airline companion certificate, and he found a FANTASTIC deal for the Four Seasons in Houston (only $125/night!). So, what did we do during our short trip? Some lounging by the pool, a visit to Johnson Space Center (NASA), wandering around Rice Village, and seeing some really quirky outsider folk art. And, interspersed with all of the preceding, LOTS of food. Texas sized portions of food. We also saw some interesting signage while in Houston:
1. Outside of a relatively upscale looking restaurant in Rice Village. I guess this means that this is a problem, hence the sign telling people what NOT to bring into the restaurant.
2. This is the name of an overpriced pregnant mom/kids clothing store (also in Rice Village). It seems that in Texas, a woman's work consists of the 3Bs: Babies, Birth and Breastfeeding. Looks like I'll have to get a move on if I want to do a good job!

I mentioned earlier that we ate a LOT of food. Here are some photos from Ragin' Cajun. It is crawfish season. Super messy, but also super yummy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Overly sensitive
For all you Columbia Allumni reading this blog, why was I offended by this story? CC was my first choice, but did that mean I was a slacker?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Crazy spinster vs. cute eccentric
Remember being 10 and staring at your art teacher with her stringy hair, bohemian skirts, and kenya bags? Ever wonder how she was thirty and single, because wasn't everyone supposed to be married? Ms. G taught me how to swear in Arabic, she would crack wise, and was always ready with a wink. She always told us to create with our hearts. I remember telling my best friend, S, "Ms. G is a huge weirdo."
For the past week, I have been thinking about taking an art class. This Christmas when my niece asked me to draw something, the only thing I knew how to draw well was a cartoon of a eukaryotic cell. (Her mom drew a bunch of bunny rabbits.) Which is why Ms. G came to mind.
If I met Ms. G today, I'm sure we would be friends. I would be amused by her quirkiness, and her earnestness would be refreshing. Or maybe not. Maybe she really is a huge weirdo.
The line between eccentric and crazy is hazy at best. Like when you go into Anthropologie, and you see a ruffled sweater; is it cute or dowdy? It straddles a hazy line and is in desperate need of context. Cute on Zooey Deschanel, but the same sweater would be dowdy on Meryl Streep.
I decided to take stock of some of my stranger habits: buying Mega Millions Lotto tickets in the scariest neighborhoods as soon as the jackpot is over 100 mil, making Fimo art for members of the Fantasy Football league, short selling stock as a revenge technique, obsessing about my hair loss, telling my students to create science with their hearts, etc.. My conclusion was to stay away from 10 year olds, I am sure I am a huge weirdo in their eyes.
For the past week, I have been thinking about taking an art class. This Christmas when my niece asked me to draw something, the only thing I knew how to draw well was a cartoon of a eukaryotic cell. (Her mom drew a bunch of bunny rabbits.) Which is why Ms. G came to mind.
If I met Ms. G today, I'm sure we would be friends. I would be amused by her quirkiness, and her earnestness would be refreshing. Or maybe not. Maybe she really is a huge weirdo.
The line between eccentric and crazy is hazy at best. Like when you go into Anthropologie, and you see a ruffled sweater; is it cute or dowdy? It straddles a hazy line and is in desperate need of context. Cute on Zooey Deschanel, but the same sweater would be dowdy on Meryl Streep.
I decided to take stock of some of my stranger habits: buying Mega Millions Lotto tickets in the scariest neighborhoods as soon as the jackpot is over 100 mil, making Fimo art for members of the Fantasy Football league, short selling stock as a revenge technique, obsessing about my hair loss, telling my students to create science with their hearts, etc.. My conclusion was to stay away from 10 year olds, I am sure I am a huge weirdo in their eyes.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What does "tar" mean?
For those of you who know me well, I am not a texter. In fact, I banned texting from my phone for a while. But then I got the iPhone and well... my texting ban crumbled. Now I am like a giddy 15 year old, texting nonsensical crap all the time. Okay not really, but it is a dangerous tool to have.
One problem is that since I am new to texting I am unfamiliar with all the acronyms. Such as: u=you, nit=night, etc...
On the last Trivia night of 2009, my team celebrated our crushing loss with several bottles of wine. Probably a mistake to be drinking on a Monday night, but I knew I was flying out of town on Wednesday, so I had little to do at work the next day.
Sigh, alcohol. Why do you cause so many problems? And why, why must I keep consuming you?
What started out as a nice Trivia night, ended up in drunken bad behavior at another bar a few blocks down. A rowdier one in which pool and name calling and singing with the juke box came into play. And apparently a lot of texting did too.
Here is my drunken text conversation with the leprechaun that night:
Me: Who is on the 500 and 1000 dollar bill? [9:28pm]
Leprechaun: Cleveland on the $1000 - for sure
Leprechaun: Mckinley on the $500 - wow I am good
Leprechaun: Wud you say I am ur lifeline?
Me: Crap, we had to know the 100,000 bill. [9:49pm]
Leprechaun: Do you want that too? U are demanding.
Leprechaun: Woodrow Wilson - never actually released (tho they were printed in 1934)
Me: Thanks. We lost. We were trying to guess what the question would be. If we only knew wilson ahead of time....
Leprechaun: Too bad :(
Me: Good night. Am going to buy a christmas round for the boyz. [10:31 pm]
Leprechaun: Ur too cute. :) I mean it when I say, I am extremely happy to have you back in my life.
Me: Ps the gemtlemen says not with su n sets pix. Sunrissses is what you send youths. [12:05 am]
Leprechaun: Hmmmm.... so I shud send sunrises??? I can do that too!
Leprechaun: U def have been drinkin.
Me: Dr. Tony. says sruff it. Leave it fo othetrs. [12:42 am]
Leprechaun: :) Call me when you get home. Want to make sure u r safe. U r too funny. Nit, nit.
Me: Tar. [1:06 am]
Me via random phones at the seedy bar with pool tables: Tar.
Leprechaun: U okay? [6:24 am]
Leprechaun: [picture of sunrise over the Charles] This is 6:35 am in boston.
End conversation
Seriously, what the hell does "Tar" mean? Is it a texting acronym? Why was it necessary to send it? My only recourse now is to reinstate the texting ban, at the very least for certain individuals.
By the way, while you are answering the first questions could you answer this too? How does Pat Robertson know that Haiti made a pact with the devil 200 years ago? Is he in fact the Devil? How else could he possibly be such an authority on the subject?
One problem is that since I am new to texting I am unfamiliar with all the acronyms. Such as: u=you, nit=night, etc...
On the last Trivia night of 2009, my team celebrated our crushing loss with several bottles of wine. Probably a mistake to be drinking on a Monday night, but I knew I was flying out of town on Wednesday, so I had little to do at work the next day.
Sigh, alcohol. Why do you cause so many problems? And why, why must I keep consuming you?
What started out as a nice Trivia night, ended up in drunken bad behavior at another bar a few blocks down. A rowdier one in which pool and name calling and singing with the juke box came into play. And apparently a lot of texting did too.
Here is my drunken text conversation with the leprechaun that night:
Me: Who is on the 500 and 1000 dollar bill? [9:28pm]
Leprechaun: Cleveland on the $1000 - for sure
Leprechaun: Mckinley on the $500 - wow I am good
Leprechaun: Wud you say I am ur lifeline?
Me: Crap, we had to know the 100,000 bill. [9:49pm]
Leprechaun: Do you want that too? U are demanding.
Leprechaun: Woodrow Wilson - never actually released (tho they were printed in 1934)
Me: Thanks. We lost. We were trying to guess what the question would be. If we only knew wilson ahead of time....
Leprechaun: Too bad :(
Me: Good night. Am going to buy a christmas round for the boyz. [10:31 pm]
Leprechaun: Ur too cute. :) I mean it when I say, I am extremely happy to have you back in my life.
Me: Ps the gemtlemen says not with su n sets pix. Sunrissses is what you send youths. [12:05 am]
Leprechaun: Hmmmm.... so I shud send sunrises??? I can do that too!
Leprechaun: U def have been drinkin.
Me: Dr. Tony. says sruff it. Leave it fo othetrs. [12:42 am]
Leprechaun: :) Call me when you get home. Want to make sure u r safe. U r too funny. Nit, nit.
Me: Tar. [1:06 am]
Me via random phones at the seedy bar with pool tables: Tar.
Leprechaun: U okay? [6:24 am]
Leprechaun: [picture of sunrise over the Charles] This is 6:35 am in boston.
End conversation
Seriously, what the hell does "Tar" mean? Is it a texting acronym? Why was it necessary to send it? My only recourse now is to reinstate the texting ban, at the very least for certain individuals.
By the way, while you are answering the first questions could you answer this too? How does Pat Robertson know that Haiti made a pact with the devil 200 years ago? Is he in fact the Devil? How else could he possibly be such an authority on the subject?
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Too much praise
On some nights you will find me across the street, eating my dinner with a bunch of elderly divorced guys at the bar. The food is not especially good, but it is nice to have a place where everyone knows who you are. Yes, it is my version of "Cheers."
Old divorced guys are catty or cranky, depending how you want to spin it. Sometimes we gossip about local celebs or other old divorced guys that are not there. Sometimes we make fun of the young people who come into the bar. But most of the time we spend our time kvetching.
Next Monday, I know exactly what I am going to tell the gang: it irritates me that people at work are so insistent in saying "good job" to someone who just gave talk. It irritates me on multiple levels 1) I feel obligated to say the same because I don't want to look like a bitch. 2) Most of the time the talk is horrendous. 3) I am a really crappy liar. 4) When someone says "good job" to me I wonder about their sincerity. 5)In order to avoid being insincere myself, I end up saying nothing and look like a bitch, which gives me anxiety.
On today's Yahoo finance page, an opinion piece about job dissatisfaction amongst American workers increasing dramatically since 1987 caught my eye. Especially, this sentence: "The Millennial Generation is entering the workforce with expectations higher than any generations before them," Grant [a management professor at U Penn Wharton]says. "This generation is not accustomed to delaying gratification. They are interested in getting rewarded and succeeding very quickly, and most organizations aren't set up to do this. You could expect a decline in satisfaction for that reason."
Is it possible too that a sincere pat on the back has lost its luster? That we spend so much time being nice to each other that true praise no longer seems like a reward?
Good thing I have a bunch of cranky people to tell this observation to, I have a feeling they will agree.
Old divorced guys are catty or cranky, depending how you want to spin it. Sometimes we gossip about local celebs or other old divorced guys that are not there. Sometimes we make fun of the young people who come into the bar. But most of the time we spend our time kvetching.
Next Monday, I know exactly what I am going to tell the gang: it irritates me that people at work are so insistent in saying "good job" to someone who just gave talk. It irritates me on multiple levels 1) I feel obligated to say the same because I don't want to look like a bitch. 2) Most of the time the talk is horrendous. 3) I am a really crappy liar. 4) When someone says "good job" to me I wonder about their sincerity. 5)In order to avoid being insincere myself, I end up saying nothing and look like a bitch, which gives me anxiety.
On today's Yahoo finance page, an opinion piece about job dissatisfaction amongst American workers increasing dramatically since 1987 caught my eye. Especially, this sentence: "The Millennial Generation is entering the workforce with expectations higher than any generations before them," Grant [a management professor at U Penn Wharton]says. "This generation is not accustomed to delaying gratification. They are interested in getting rewarded and succeeding very quickly, and most organizations aren't set up to do this. You could expect a decline in satisfaction for that reason."
Is it possible too that a sincere pat on the back has lost its luster? That we spend so much time being nice to each other that true praise no longer seems like a reward?
Good thing I have a bunch of cranky people to tell this observation to, I have a feeling they will agree.
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