Friday, March 17, 2006

crappy st. patty's day

My office building is on Sixth Avenue, between W45th and W46th Streets. My office faces W46th Street, but is near the intersection with Sixth Avenue. The St. Patrick's Day Parade winds its way north, up Fifth Avenue and ends who knows where. All I know is that it starts around W45th Street. How do I know? Because W45th and W46th Streets are being used as staging areas for the people that march in the parade. There are about 5 thousand high school bands that march in the parade and I can hear every one of them. It is driving me insane. On top of that, during lunch, I had to fight my way through crowds of drunken men, hordes of teenagers with painted faces and shamrock paraphenalia (as an aside, when did the St. Patrick's Day Parade turn into a pseudo-Mardi Gras? There were men handing out green beads, but it was insuated that the beads weren't free...), extremely irritating tourists dressed in green, and a disproportionately high number of green SUVs, minivans, and sedans from out of state (do all Irish people drive green cars?) just so I could get to McDonald's and buy my Filet o' Fish sandwich. This almost makes me wish that my office was in Times Square.


Evil Twin #1 said...

i went for the traditional irish "agean finagle bagel:" olive tapenade, feta cheese,roasted red peppers and spinach.

i am wearing green though.

Evil said...

hi et#2, my office is in times square actually. not sure if you'd really want your office to be there... if you ran into the naked cowboy every f'ing day!

Anonymous said...

Did you see me? I was hanging around that area during lunch time. I dyed my beard green.