Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Insecure shminsecure

“You know you are a lot hotter now than the last time we hung out,” said the random drunk frat boy, who went to law school with my new friend, S.

“Ummmm thanks?” I replied. What I really wanted to say was “What? Is that supposed to be a compliment? Was I such an uggo when we first met? Are you really a lawyer and end your sentences with a preposition?”

Sigh. I was a little disappointed with myself, for taking that comment so seriously. I am sure the boy was black out drunk and had no idea what he was saying. Unfortunately, I am 33 years old but still riddled with the insecurities. I spent about an hour analyzing what he said. “Okay so now that I am hotter, does that mean he thinks I am a hottie or just not disgusting. Is there threshold? What was I wearing the first time I met him?”

Wasn’t I supposed to have gained some wisdom over the years? Isn’t there supposed to be some personal growth? Wasn’t this incident exactly like the E incident?

E was a law school friend of ET#2. Back when ET#2 lived in Boston, I used to see E from time to time in group settings. Now I should preface this story by saying, E is probably a very nice person, but I have never given her a chance. She is slightly enamored with ET#2. And most importantly for this story, she is about 50-70 pounds overweight. (ET#2 and I tried to come to a consensus but both of us are not good with weight estimations. We do agree she is on the clearly heavy side.)

One night, we were in ET#2’s apartment. Most of the night was completely unremarkable. I think I was there because I was playing scrabble with ET#2’s roommate. ET#2 and her law school friends came in from some event (I think). We were all sitting in the living room having a pleasant conversation. C, another female law student, said something. And while I can’t remember what C said, the response E gave is forever emblazed in my mind. She turned to me and said “ET#1, us big girls need to stick together.”

That one sentence “us big girls need to stick together” was something I obsessed about for years. That one sentence is the reason I still don’t like E. That one sentence was bandied about for years by ET#2’s ex-roommate, who thought it would be hilarious to constantly tease me.

As a matter of fact, when I g-chatted with ET#2 for an accurate estimation of how overweight E was, she knew exactly why I wanted to know. Yes, “us big girls need to stick together,” had taken a life of its own.

So will my impression of the frat boy be forever marred. Yes, it will. If history has taught me anything, it is that I am incredibly petty and can carry a grudge for a very long time.


Evil said...

if you were me, you would just constantly tell yourself that you're "chubby but cute."

stephanie said...

Except ET1 is not chubby in the least. She's apparently crazy.

Evil said...

how do you know for sure? have you ever seen her naked? you can cover up a lot of flaws with the right clothes.

Nora said...

ET#1, You always look cute. Come on, girl. But easier said than done. We all feel insecure sometimes. Except Evil. ET #1 does not need to worry. Plus you can run marathons.

Evil said...

the camera does not love ET#1 though.

And said...

I'm glad someone called it like it is...geez ET#1, cut out the cake! Oh, my Wii Fit has been asking about you too...

Balls said...

Hopefully by the time you've read this comment the grudge is gone Marathon Woman!! I'm the worst at holding's good for the soul (for a few days at least...) ;)