Tuesday, November 08, 2005

While we wait for Evil Twin #2 ......

So I checked a list of our postings and realized that ET#2 has a started 2 different postings and has yet to post them. What joyous tales we all could be reading. In the meantime, here is my latest story.

Yesterday, at about 5:30pm I was doing what I am always doing at 5:30pm. I was sitting at my desk reading the BBC News headlines, and waiting for one of my labmates to finish up in the cell culture hoods. Another constant in the lab, besides my procrastination, is the ever present noise, the whir of refridgerators, shakers, and other equipment. Anyway it is 5:30pm and the sun has set now that daylight savings is finished. All of a sudden all the lights go out. Pitch black and silent. I freaked out a little. J told me to get a grip. So I did. The emergency generator kicked in, and the creepy fluorescent emergency lights flooded the hallway, but the labs and offices were still silent and dark. First order of business was to make sure that all the necessary equipment was connected to emergency generator oulets. Members from the lab next door, joined us in checking everything.

After we were assured that most of our essentials were okay, V and I went exploring. There was the distinct smell of burnt rubber in one stairwell, so we decided to check out the other. When we got to the second floor, we realized that people were being evacuated from the building. Odd. In the twenty minutes we were upstairs, we did not hear a single announcement over the emergency PA system, nor did we see a single person come up to warn us. In a sick twisted sense of logic, V and I went back upstairs so that we could stay with our experiments just in case power was not restored. We were afraid that once we were kicked out of the building it would be impossible to reenter. So for another 20 minutes. 4 of us, J, V, my boss Z, and I sat in the dark chatting. I put my phone under my chin and use the light to freak out V. Childish. Yes. Hilarious. Yes.

Anyway I went home early last night. Sitting in the dark lost its appeal. Finally, got a legitimate reason for having less work done.

Side note: 1) Security assumed any sane person would have left a dark building and did not realize the need for an announcement. 2) Two turbines broke simultaneously. Perhaps scientific intrigue?

1 comment:

Evil said...

Was there any blackout sex?