Wednesday, August 31, 2005

a run on summer

The NY Times said that "surest signal of approaching Labor Day is the appearance of black clothes on the sidewalks". I disagree. New Yorkers wear black year round. For me, the surest sign that summer is coming to a close is that the weather was nice enough that I could go for a "run" on a Saturday afternoon. I had meant to wake up bright and early to go run in Inwood Park but instead, I rolled out of bed at around 1:00 pm. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the humidity was actually bearable. BF had suggested that we do a training run--this involves walking for 5 minutes to warm up, running for one minute followed by walking for one minute, repeat running and walking for a total of 20 minutes. This is actually only about 6 minutes of running, but that was enough to make me sore on Sunday. Sadly, this is the most activity that I've had all summer. It's been uttterly disgusting this summer--hot, muggy, gross. Great reasons for allowing myself to sit in front of the TV on the weekends, watching HBO on demand and to gain weight.

But, all that is over. I have vowed to be more active, to walk up the six flights of stairs to my apartment instead of taking the elevator, to eat salad for lunch, to be not so much of a slug. To be able to fit into something other than skirts and elastic-waist pants.


Evil Twin #1 said...

If it makes your feel better ('cause misery loves company), the last time I went out for my wog, I felt the fat on my back jiggling. A very disturbing experience. Am starting a regiment of back situps to conquer it.

Zandrea! said...

I empathize as well; I saw what I really looked like in a bikini when on vacation, and decided to renew my faith in the gym. Improvement on eating is really out, since I already take my lunch everyday and usually cook at home. I think it's the fancy cheese that gets me.

evil twin #2 said...

oooh. the fancy cheese will get you every time...

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I gained weight since the wedding. I had two lunched yesterday b/c one of them was free and couldn't give up free food!

I have to start exercising...