Monday, June 06, 2005

Study subject #29409

As a student, I live well above my means. That is to say I drink too much, eat out too much, and indulge in Filene's Basement too much. So what is a girl supposed to do at the end of the month, when she realizes that she is broke? Curb one's spending? Get a job? Volunteer in a research study?

The joy of being in a medical area, is the plethora of flyers looking for healthy willing study subjects. My friend, F, is frequent participant of studies (he has a high maintenance girlfriend) and has become incredibly savvy in the whole process. The following is his advice on how to choose a study.

1) Never participate in sleep deprivation studies. They really mess with your head. Plus, it always seems to be sponsored by shady government agencies like the FDA, when in reality it is being sponsored by the CIA.

2) Look for studies that require your bodily fluids. They pay more.

3) Only participate in studies that will pay over $50 at a time. Otherwise it is not worth your time.

4) An addition to the pay rule above. Carefully calculate the hourly rate that you will be receiving. Anything above $15/hour is acceptable especially if the study can be finished quickly, or there is plenty of downtime in which you can do work.

Good luck all, though I am sure most of you have legitimate jobs.

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