Tuesday, November 22, 2011

High school is forever

It is a well know fact that the Evil Twins love slurpees. In Evil Twin #2's massive archive of photographs, there are a number of them with us drinking slurpees. We do differ on our flavor selection, she prefers Blue Razz and I normally stick to Coke.

This love of slurpees started at an early age. When I was 5 years old, we lived in a small apartment in Moraga, CA. During this year, my dad was living in London and my mom worked full time. I would stay an hour later at kindergarten with one of the aides, and then my sister and the neighborhood kids would come to pick me up. On bottom of the hill there was a 7/11, that was on our way home, and some days we would stop by to grab some slurpees, or go to the bowling alley to play arcade games. Maybe I am romanticizing it in my head, but it was such an idyllic childhood.

Over the years, I have spent a lot of time in mini mart parking lots, eating junk food, and hanging out with my friends. So I was shocked when I moved to San Diego, and met 2 guys who had 1) never had a slurpee before in their life 2) never hung out in a parking lot at night doing nothing. Even stranger one was from Wisconsin and the other was from Missouri. I mean I can understand if someone from NYC never did these things, but from the Midwest?

On Saturday night, we decided to rectify this fact. I picked up NS, J, and C in my Nissan Versa (They for some reason all drive BMWs which simply is not suitable for this kind of endeavor). I played a bunch of 90s mix CDs. We had the windows down. First stop was the 7 11. We all bought slurpees, and I bought a bag of Cheetos and Funyuns. We sat in the parking lot. The owner came out and gave us a weird look, but decided not to hassle us. (A big bonus to being in my 30s instead of my teens.) At first there was excessive commentary about how all of this artificial coloring and flavors is bad for them. C's wife gave him special permission over text message to eat the Funyuns. No one could argue it was delicious. They started a game of kick the can. We spent time with a running catty commentary about the 7 11 clientele. An hour and a half had passed before we checked out our watches.

We decided to go grab some food, so we went to a local gastropub for some burgers and tater tots. I tried to explain how one time in high school a friend of mine stole a bunch of nips from a plane, and how we used to use those to put in our coke slurpees. They were flabbergasted. J being the only other normal person in the group agreed except they stole liquor from their parents and would water down their parents bottles. The bartender, who was eavesdropping on our conversation, mentioned that she used to make fake MaiTais by mixing Cherry and Pina Colada flavored slurpees with rum. We all reminisced on the stupid stuff we would do, which included driving around the town with no destination in mind. NS,J and C were all drunk at this point and thought it would be so much fun to do that. We all hopped in the Nissan Versa and drove downtown.

The guys kept shouting out the window "Hey ladies, lookin' good." I did my fake drag racing move that I learned from PeiPei, the most fun girl at Columbia. We sang along to Beyonce "Single Ladies." We did a Chinese fire drill. (However this was in a remote street that had no traffic because NS was worried the cops would arrest us. This also might explain why he never had a slurpee before.)

Sure we acted like idiots that night, but some times you got to keep the spirit of the teenage years in your heart.

1 comment:

Sparks said...

The Wisconsin and Missouri fellas are disgraces. What were they doing in high school? I grew up just a few miles from Missouri, and can assure you that driving aimlessly around town with periodic stops to hang out in parking lots was very much the thing to do (in my town, it was the Taco Bell and Burger King lots, which were connected).

I think there must be a typo in this post. When discussing Funyuns, you say "no one could argue it was delicious." You meant that no one could argue it was NOT delicious, right? Funyuns are the food of the gods (fun tip: try pulverizing a bag and using the dust as breading for friend chicken or pork chops).