Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Two for One

As you know, I am horrible about posting in a timely fashion. To make up for that, this post is two posts in one -- a movie review and one you can add to the list of random (and sometime scary) things that happen in New York.

Story Number 1:

BF and I had just finished watching The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (btw, read the book and don't bother with the movie) and grabbing dinner at one of the restaurants in the NY Times Building. It was miserable out and we made our way to the subway entrance just outside of the NYT building. I was telling BF how disappointed I was in the movie's lame attempt at depicting Pittsburgh (my hometown) in 1983. Why was Siena Miller's hair being held back with a somewhat tasteful jaw clip (which did not exist in 1983) instead of the more historically accurate banana clip? Why was everyone dressed as though they had just stepped off the L-Train? The only attempt that the movie made to capture 1983 was to put the old yellow license plates on the movie's cars. As an aside, I was back in Pittsburgh for Easter and it's not hard to find cars circa 1983. Pittsburgh is pretty much stuck in the late 1980's/early 1990's as it is. I'm sure the costume designer could have gone to a few thrift stores and found tons of clothes from the era instead of dressing everyone in stuff you can find in Urban Outfitters/American Eagle. BF didn't even realize the movie was set in 1983. I definitely preferred the book to the movie. My suggestion, read the book, don't waste your time or money on the movie. The one exception was Peter Sarsgaard (but I think that's because I generally like him and not necessarily because of his performance). Siena Miller and her weird accent gets a big thumbs down. For a much better portrayal of Pittsburgh in the 1980's, go watch Adventureland.

Story Number 2:

We were walking north in the subway corridor towards the turnstiles for the A Train, discussing whether or not Siena Miller is too skinny, when a random very large African American dude in his late 20's or early 30's makes a beeline for BF and me. This guy is walking with a purpose, hands in the pockets of his hooded sweatshirt which is pulled up over his head, and is muttering to himself. We start veering to the side to stay out of his way, but then he comes straight at us, calls BF a "pus*y a**" (or something along those lines -- he was mumbling) and kicks BF in the shins and continues walking down the corridor, still muttering to himself.

There were lots of other people in the passageway and I'm not sure why he focused in on us. It was pretty scary, especially since we couldn't see he his hands. I was worried that he had a knife and would stab BF. I was frantically looking around for a station agent or some cops, but none were around. The other people in the corridor gave us concerned, sympathetic looks (thanks for nothing, people). I'm just glad that BF was ok. Definitely shaken up, and sporting a bruise on his left shin, but still in one piece. Whew.


Evil said...

oh no! glad BF is ok and that "xtian dressed as black man" did not do more harm.

littleyao said...

that sounds insane...i think that would keep me freaked out for awhile...wonder why he needed to kick BF...glad you guys are ok!